I would be curious to hear your thoughts on how to counteract the tendency for touristy areas to become too expensive for locals to continue living there. I grew up in a tourist town about the size of Hillsdale and while tourism provided jobs they weren’t very good jobs and it’s status as a destination drove rent and housing prices well beyond what is reasonable the average income of the locals.

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As a recent alumna now working in the trades, I wish the college had something like ACBA. I’m constantly working on old buildings knowing that I can, at best, make my repairs vaguely akin to the original product. Keep up the good work. Hillsdale is a beautiful town that deserves a second wind.

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The town has more going for it than just the college. Low land prices and low cost of living.

One thing you might consider is a life care community for retirees affiliated with the college. At one point the college was considering the same, it’s worth asking them. Will bring both like minds and money into the town done right

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Luke, you are a breath of fresh air! I look forward to working with you in town to the glory of our Great Maker, the revitalization of our Great Nation, the growth and fortification of the Great City of Hillsdale, and the boosting of the Great School that is Hillsdale College. Have a great day! David

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Luke, I really enjoy reading your articles. As a local business owner, I agree that revitalization is needed and as businesses we need to work together to support each other and help grow our area. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. God bless on your endeavors

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As to connecting scheduled flights (part 121) that’s unlikely to happen. Instead pseudo scheduled flights using charter aircraft (part 135) is much more cost effective and won’t need the FAA’s blessing. If the are targeted on college events this is pretty doable.

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Profit has to be part of any plan, do no lose sight of this or get fixated on utopias. Good luck

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You had me at “smoke-filled cigar lounge.” I would move back to Hillsdale for that.

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